Sunday, 21 September 2014

Haul - Mango, New Look, Zara and Feel Unique September 2014

Summer sales are ALWAYS a good idea.  This September payday I took it upon myself to 'splurge' and spend a tiny bit on a mixture of beauty products and clothing.
The Feel Unique sale got me good this month, so click on the video below to view it on my blog or alternatively watch it Here on my YouTube channel!
Links to the items shown in the video are listed in the information bar on the video within YouTube (if that makes sense!)

LOLZ! I do love a good Gif!! :-)

Did you pick anything up in the September sales?

You can also find me here


  1. Love your blog, just followed you! Would love if you checked out mine sometime xx

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment! Your blog is just beautiful. You have amazing photography. I have followed you back on bloglovin, Twitter and GFC xx


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