Wednesday, 15 April 2015

My Little Box Review - April 2015

This months offering from My Little Box UK was 'Dream' themed.  
Beautifully illustrated as always, click on my video below for more details!

As I say in the video, I was REALLY hoping for -
A dream book - that'll explain your dreams to you, and you could leave on your bedside table
A pillow spray - something that you can use to relax you in the evenings, but instead this months box contents was slightly confusing, see below -
A gorgeous gold charm necklace was a really cute addition, so was the gorgeous smelling hair treatment - but the other contents threw me somewhat!

A lip balm, and a solid perfume and then a stamp?  What has those products got to do with dreams?
Am I missing something? Maybe it's me?  Let me know whether you think this months contents threw you a bit?
So there's April's My Little Box.  
Beautifully put together, and illustrated to the highest quality - but I'm not too sure on the theme?

You can purchase My Little Box for £14.95 including Postage and Packing 'Here'

You can also find me here



  1. Eeek! Can't wait to get it - love the idea of this little stamp thing :) :) :)

    1. Hey Elena, The little stamper is cute - not too sure what its gotta do with dreams tho! :-/ x

  2. I've never found that the products have overly much to do with the theme, but maybe that's just me? The stamp, I have no idea but it is very sweet!

    1. Hi Lily,

      Thanks for the lovely comment. I have followed you back on bloglovin. The stamp is sweet! x

  3. Looks like you got some cute things!

    1. Hi Clare, thanks for your comment. Yes this months box was cute! I have followed you back on bloglovin xx

  4. I always love the look if these boxes! I wear perfume going to sleep as I find the scents comforting, maybe that's what the perfume is for? :)

    Fiona @

    1. Aww Fiona, I have never thought of using perfume like that! Your blog is too cute. I have followed you on bloglovin. Thanks for the comment xxx

  5. Hmmm that is odd! I thought the same thing when you pulled out the lip gloss; why a lip gloss when you're going to bed? At least make it a nourishing balm or something. I tend to think those boxes are a bit of a hotchpotch of products they can throw together LOL!
    As always love your videos, really need to start some of my own!
    Rosie xo

    1. Rosie, Thanks for the fab comment, it really means alot. Yep I thought the same but maybe the theme meant dreams as in aspirations and not dreams as in going to sleep LOL! Who knows?! xx

  6. The necklace is really very sweet and I adore the packaging! I'm with you on not quite understanding the stamp though, perhaps they're trying to symbolise being far away in your dreams?! haha :) have a lovely weekend Claire!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


    1. Aww Gabrielle, You are very sweet! :-) Thanks for the lovely comment. xx Have a great weekend too


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