Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Pinkchickclaire's blog debut on the QVC website!!!

Thanks to my favourite presenter Debbie Flint from QVC she has kindly featured my blog on the QVC website under her own presenters blog!

I am sooo excited about this as I love Debbie and she has really kept her promise!

You can find Debbie's December blog post here which is where I appear in the Blogging section!

She kindly wrote -


And talking of such social media things, I do like to see you guys giving QVC a good plug on blogs! Well done to pink chic Claire with her review of a Bobbi Brown set on her blog. If you do one along these lines, let me know and I'll take a look!

Thanks so much Debbie, this truly means a lot I love my QVC and hope this can be the start of great things!

Lots of love



(My name in the post from Debbie appears wrong)

(picture taken from QVC website)

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