Saturday, 20 August 2016

My Little Box Review - August 2016

Another month has flown past and it's time for another unboxing video for My Little Box, over on my YouTube channel.
August's box was friends themed.. I had high hopes, but it just didn't fill me with much joy :-(

A hairspray, fish eye lenses, a manicure kit, and some popcorn and a face cream, and lastly a lip balm?  A total mixed bag of items, and I really don't know where My Little Box were going with this theme?

What do you think of this month's box, from My Little Box?

Do you think there's a better box out there for me?

You can also find me here



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for commenting and for the fab feedback xx

  2. Hello, this sounds like a great little box. I love the friends theme.

    1. I love the theme but the box didn't stand up to the theme :-( x


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. xx

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