Thursday, 28 April 2016

A Fresh New Start....

As some of you might know, this Saturday I am moving house.  It marks a huge milestone in my life.
My first ever home – for me and my two Cat husbands!  
Months of work, packing, and viewings have come down to this – and I am excited and apprehensive at the same time!

It’ll be weird to have so much silence, no housemates around me every day – but I’m excited to begin this next chapter....
(Image Credit Pinterest West Elm)

As you know; if you follow me on Pinterest I LOVE Interior Design - so expect tons of interiors posts and DIY projects.. let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see from me?

My new home is a blank canvass – one that I can really make my own.

I won’t have any internet for the first few weeks of May – so life over on my blog and YouTube Channel will be quiet, until my internet is installed.  So I must apologize!

So I’d like to take this time to thank each and every one of you for your support, advice and love over the past few months.  It’s been tough for me; being made redundant, looking for a new job and then also looking for a new home.  But I’ve finally got there, and I cannot wait to fill my blog with fresh content for the rest of 2016!

Lots of love



You can also find me here


  1. I'm so glad you've found happiness with your new home after what sounds like quite a troubling time! I'd love to read some interior design posts from you. Me and my boyfriend are hoping to move into our first flat together (with all the pets) and I really need some inspiration as to what to buy and how to arrange things to make the flat a real home for us

    Steph -

    1. Aww Steph thanks so much for your lovely message! I'll be sure to be posting tons of new content in the next few weeks xx


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