Friday 31 July 2015

Introducing Zeek and a Mini Feel Unique Haul!

Happy Friday!
I adore finding new innovative ways of saving some cash.  
When my Twitter feed started going a bit mental over a new app for gift vouchers called Zeek, I was intrigued!  In the hopes of saving some cash I downloaded the app to my Android device (it's also available for Apple devices too) and a new addiction was formed!

Zeek is simple, you download the app, you can sell gift vouchers on it - you send the physical vouchers by post to Zeek and then they will pay you for them, and upload them onto the site in either a paper form, or an electronic voucher code (if you have an electronic version to sell).

Or like me, you can just go on there and buy vouchers in either a paper gift voucher, or an electronic voucher.

Promotional codes are always available from fellow users, so there's always bargains to be had!  
I found Zeeks customer service team to be incredibly helpful, and fast in getting back to you with your concerns.  And the app itself is easy to navigate allowing you to find the vouchers from the retailers you need.

All in all I adore Zeek!!

So much so, I've just made another purchase for yet more Feel Unique gift vouchers!

You can pick up vouchers for tons of different retailers, from Space NK to Primark.

To see what I picked up using the app, and for more information about it, check out my video below -

What do you think of Zeek?

(I have worked with Zeek to promote this app)

You can also find me here



  1. I have to admit I'm still not convinced it is that great. The last time I looked £19 Starbucks voucher worth £20 didn't do it for me x

    1. That's just for starbucks though - there are other retailers on Zeek where you can get a better discount!


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