Tuesday, 15 January 2013

International Beauty Swap with The Southern Glamourista Box 2!!

Here's my video below showing what I was kindly sent by Amanda Mae from the Southern Glamourista blog.

We have both signed up to take part in the international beauty swap, and I really enjoy receiving my parcels from Amanda.  You can view the contents of my first box by clicking 'Here' 

Here's to many more swaps to come!

If you can think of any American beauty products which you recommend me trying and asking Amanda to send me please leave me a comment below, I'd really appreciate it.

She has really sent me a great collection of goodies to try and review for you all.



  1. Wow that idea sounds so good! I want to try that, I'd love to try some american products

  2. Hi Emily! Thanks for the great comment. Yeah if you look at - http://www.lolastarhearts.com/ she may be able to tell you when another swap is happening? I'll take a look at your blog now and subscribe xx

  3. Love the idea of international shops. When you think about all the awesome high street stuff we've got (like Revlon and Barry M) its almost frustrating that the US have got their high street brands that we don't have access too!
    ..and if you're ever passing through my blog, do say hi!
    Kerry x

  4. Hi Kerry sorry for the late response! Thanks for your great comment. I know what you mean I wish we had Sephora over in the UK again and also Wallgreens and Bath and Body Works I would love all of those!
    I LOVE your blog, great photography. I have followed you honey, what camera do you use? xx


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. xx

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