Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A New Year and a Fresh Start for 2013

Hi guys, I must firstly apologize for disappearing off of the blogging bandwagon since Christmas and since setting up my first ever giveaway for you all.    

Long before Christmas I was ill, and then over the Christmas break things with me health wise have gotten much worse.  I have been ill with a bad chest infection and I am still not 100% and have been unable to work.

The start of the new year for me was positive, and then my health has made me realize that I have had to take a step back and get myself back on top form.

There's been loads of bugs going around recently and I guess it was inevitable at some point, that I was going to get ill.

So it's the 8th day of a whole new year and here's some things which I hope to succeed in during 2013 -

My career 

I have learnt so much in my current role but I have been there over a year now and I have reached my full potential.  I need to think about what I want to do in my career, where I want to go and where I see myself being the happiest.  I always aim to stay in a role for two years at a time and then move on, and I feel that my time has come to see what else is out there.  I would love to get involved in social media for a company, work in events and marketing again.. the options are endless!


I haven't had a holiday for years, with family problems, my cats and not being settled job wise travel has taken a back seat!  I would LOVE to go to Paris, I adore French skincare and the architecture and I would really enjoy going to Paris for a long weekend with a friend.  Hopefully I will get there one day.  Once I have sampled everything Paris has to offer, the next place I would like to go is Greece, or Italy.

To fall in Love

As you know from my previous blog posts I have been internet dating for a while, and sometimes I am dedicated to it, and other times I just give up.  I always seem to get my hopes up and be let down, and although one guy I have dated we have become great friends, to meet someone who you click with and you can't get enough of them is a lovely feeling.  

There's so much I want to do and share with a partner that I feel that I will never get there, but I'm a positive person and I always think what will be, will be.  And if its meant to happen it will do, I'm in no rush!


They say life is a photo, and I adore photography.  I really need to save up for the Canon camera I have been lusting after for the past year, and then I can start taking photography courses and hopefully start up my own portfolio.  

I think this hobby will open up many avenues for me, and it will also improve my blog and my YouTube channel because I will have a proper HD camera to record with.  So getting the right piece of kit will really help me to grow.

My blog

My blog was a year old in December and I have adored blogging and meeting loads of lovely people along the way!

My aim for 2013 is to grow my blog even further, change things up, blog more regularly, make more YouTube videos, work more closely with media agencies to learn about new products and trial lots more of innovative beauty ideas.  

I find blogging is also a great escapism, where I can be myself and 100% honest its a great stress reliever too! But you have to have a life outside of your blog, so I try to have a good balance between the two!

And lastly I just want to be happy in 2013!

I have had a turbulent 3 years and now I am settled in a lovely flat, with a great housemate.  I have wonderful friends and have only a few things to sort out - these being my job, and finding a special someone but all these things will come in time.  The smallest things mean so much to me, talking to friends on the phone, spending quality time with those special friends, hugging my cats at night time, watching a movie with friends, looking at the stars at night time and realizing how small we are in the grand scheme of things.  Knowing that I have a great support network and that you are never truly on your own.  I have a feeling that 2013 will go well for me, you just have to have a positive mental attitude, and never give up on your dreams and what you want!!

what we all wish for at this time of year -

So thanks for reading my blog for the past year, and reading this post.  Please leave a comment below if you have set out goals for yourself for 2013, I would love to see what you guys have planned!

Have you entered my pink themed giveaway?? The closing date for entries is 1st February 2013 at  12 am GMT so you all have plenty of time to enter.  You can enter by clicking 'Here' 

Happy New Year to everyone.

Best Wishes


(All photos taken from weheartit)



  1. Best wishes for 2013! :)

    I love your blog, now following on GFC!

    I'm having a giveaway in my blog, would love it if you checked it out! x


  2. Hey Sara, thanks for your lovley message. I have followed your blog via GFC, Bloglovin and Hello Cotton. Have a lovely weekend xx

  3. Glad your back and ready for 2013! I got my dslr camera before blogging and that was my motivation because I wanted it to be worth it. They are dead expensive. Which canon are you looking at buying?


    I have a MAC lipstick giveaway currently running:


  4. Hi! Im fran, a spanish male fashion blogger. Maybe you like my style and want to follow me


    facebook: showroomdegarde
    twitter: @showroomdegarde

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  6. Hey! Its good to see you posting again and I am glad your almost better. Hey I did a New Years Resolution post also and doing a giveaway with it as well. Since your already a follower all you have to do is comment if you want to enter. Good Luck with the camera.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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