Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Review - The London Eye and the London Sea Life Aquarium

Hi Guys, 

So a couple of weekends back a girlfriend and I decided to use our 2 for 1 tickets which we were lucky to be given at the London Live event I Tweeted about and Instagrammed about a few weeks back now.

We decided to go to the London Eye and the London Sea life aquarium.  

Here's my video below about our trip and how I found both venues for value for money etc..

Get ready for a large photo content and then a summary below.

We wanted to go on the duck tour

Bargain of £18.90 for two people!

Excited much??

I didn't like being at the top, you could feel the wheel moving and swaying

On the top of the world!

Amazing view

I love the arty view I managed to catch of the eye from a different angle

I picked up a Penguin!

The advert outside looked so promising :-(

Crazy walkway goes straight over the large fish tank at the aquarium 


The Penguin enclosure what a disappointment it was!

Jelly fish?? YUCK!

As my video illustrates the London Eye was well worth a visit but the aquarium was a huge disappointment!

If you want to get value for money then I definitely would recommend London Zoo for Penguins and animals in general.  London Zoo was better value for money and the London Sealife aquarium was packed full of people, and children and was stuffy and made us both feel ill.

We won't be going back there at all!

I hope you enjoyed this post?  

I have a fab show to see in London in August so I shall try and Vlog / Tweet or Instagram that for you and do a review on the show for you all.

Thanks for watching reading and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!




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