Monday, 19 December 2016

My Little Box Review - December 2016

The penultimate box from My Little Box for December 2016.

This box was a mixed theme, and one which I was incredibly disappointed by.  
So much so, that this will be my last My Little Box - I have just unsubscribed! 🙈
I simply cannot afford to pay £14.95 a month for a box whose contents I'm really not impressed with.

This months box had a Gingerbread candle, Salted Caramel spread, a duo eyeshadow compact, a flip lip balm from Palmers, a perfume sample and a bangle and a candy cane - oh and some Kushmi Tea (again!)

The packaging of this month's box was gorgeous - and so festive!  But for over three years I have reviewed the boxes for you, My Little Box have never allowed me to collaborate with them, and I have wasted tons of money receiving these boxes for all these month's thinking that maybe one month a box will make me want to stay subscribed, but - every month the boxes have just been a real miss!
Do you subscribe to any other beauty boxes?  If so, what boxes do you recommend?
Thanks for all your continued support - Happy Christmas to you all, and thanks for being my buddies!

You can subscribe to My Little Box 'Here'
You can also find me here

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