Thursday, 24 December 2015

A Very Merry Christmas!

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Just a little message to wish you all a fantastic Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

I'll be spending the festive period with friends this year, which will be lovely - but because I have no family (were estranged) Christmas always makes me feel like I'm a spare part!

Don't forget it's OK if you want to spend Christmas Day on your own, you do YOU - it's only one day after all, and my favourite time is the Boxing Day sales where I will be treating myself to some bargains on Space NK, Zara and New Look.
There's so much pressure over the festive period to buy the best gifts, look your best and be seen to be 'doing' something.  Take the pressure off and relax, cook nice food and watch the TV.  That's what I will be doing, especially with my two cat husbands.

Thanks for all your support in the past few months, 
I'll be posting a new post again before the New Year.

How will you be spending your Christmas Day and Boxing Day?

Lots of love and Christmas cheer!



You can also find me here


  1. Happy Christmas lovely Claire,you are one of the nicest people i know in twitterworld! Enjoy the sales hunni,i cant wait for the sale in New Look,i even got an email today saying there is up to 70% off,yay xoxo

    1. Aww Hollie! Thanks for the lovely comment. Happy belated Christmas to you and a very happy New Year xxxxx


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