Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Barry M Gelly Nail Paint Review

So I gave into the hype and bought myself my first ever Barry M Gelly nail paints!

I have heard many a lovely review of the Barry M Gelly Nail paints and being a nail varnish hoarder I just had to find out what all the fuss was about...

I picked up two colours from the Gelly range Green berry and Grapefruit, both grabbed my attention as the most vibrant of the Gelly range.  
Green Berry number 311

Green Berry is a very happy turquoise-esque colour that reminds me of Nails Inc Royal Botanical Gardens - but with more staying power!
Grapefruit number 317

Grapefruit lives up to it's name!  In the photo above it looks like a muted pink / peach shade but in person its a pink vibrant shade that looks great on both fingers and toes.

I painted my nails with two thin coats of the shades and then topped them off with two coats of my favourite Seche Vite top coat.  

What impressed me the most about the range was the pigment, two coats of the high gloss colours really looks amazing, and after two coats of the nail paint they look so much like a UV gel colour but without the price tag.

I simply adore the formulation of the Gelly range because of the high gloss finish, I am yet to try them without the Seche Vite top coat to test the high shine staying power, but I think they would last about 5 days with or without the top coat.

If you are looking for an alternative to the high end polishes on the market then I would definitely recommend Barry M's Gelly range.

Here's the colour range in a little more detail -

They are affordable, glossy and highly pigmented and the packaging is simple and to the point.

I am dying to get my hands on more from the range, I am extremely impressed!

I have seen the polishes in my local Tesco store at 2 for £6.00 which is great as they retail for £3.99 each.

You can find the Barry M Gelly range at Superdrug 'Here'

And if you are from the USA you can find them on 'Ebay ' or from 'ASOS' 

Have you tried any of the Barry M Gelly range before? If so what's your favourite colour from the range?



  1. couldn't agree more with this! the colours are beautiful and they look gorgeous and shiny when they are on, my only trouble is the drying time :( anything you could recommend to make them set faster as im tiered of smudging them! I have blueberry - which everyone including myself said that it has a strange smell unlike any other nailvarnish i also have blackberry and prickly pear - they also have new gelly effects out for summer
    ''key lime'' ''mango'' ''Guava'' ''blue grape'' and ''passion fruit''
    i should stop writing! xxxx

  2. Hi Emma, Seche Vite rules when it comes to drying polishes hard and fast.. but make sure you give two coats to make sure that it makes your polish last longer! Try it out with a small version from ebay.. put in "seche vite 5ml" and it will bring up one for you to buy for £3.00 and then you can trial it?
    Let me know how you get on and thanks so much for the fab comment. xxxx


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