Thursday, 5 January 2012

Krispy Kreme buy 12, get 12 free!

Just been looking on my favourite deals website - moneysavingexpert - Martin Lewis

And they are offering this deal - money saving expert krispy-kreme#deal15407

Ends: Tues 31 Jan 2012

Where: Stand-alone Krispy Kremes

How: Register 'n' print

Food: Doughnuts

Link to the voucher can be found by clicking here -

Buy any box of 12 doughnuts in January and get a dozen original glazed doughnuts free. The cheapest dozen is £7.95 (original glazed) so factoring in 12 free, they work out at 33p each; good if you buy Krispy Kremes (though of course own-brand can be as little as 10p each). The next cheapest boxes are £9-£10.
Good deal considering I live close to a drive thru!  :-)

What do you think?

Lots of love



(Images from Google, text from Martin Lewis' website)


1 comment

  1. I cant believe you blogged about Krispy Kreme as well! I did a post about it ages ago lol plus I crave them now, thanks!:D x


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